Scar Tissue Therapy
An often overlooked cause of pain is scar tissue. Some professionals believe that scar tissue is the root of a majority of physical imbalances. Bodyworkers addressing scar tissue early in its development can help minimize any of the preceding secondary scar tissue problems. I treat old injuries and scar tissue, which shorten muscle tissue and cause compensation issues. This kind of massage should be part of any post-surgical massage therapy.
Scars develop on the skin’s surface as the result of burns, deep lacerations or a variety of other injuries that penetrate or interrupt the skin’s integrity. Possessing an amazing capacity to heal and regenerate, the skin forms a scab over a wound within three to four days following an injury. By day ten the scab typically shrinks and sloughs off as the body focuses on laying down collagen fibers to strengthen the former site of injury.
The damaged tissue can be in recovery between three months to over a year before it returns to full strength. Additionally, some diseases or skin disorders (such as acne) may also result in scar tissue formation. While scars can result from a variety of traumatic events to the skin, they share some common characteristics. As a general rule, the earlier and more consistently scar tissue is exercised, massaged and warmed, the less possibility of developing any long-term concerns.
Scar Characteristics
While the degree of scar formation varies from person to person, there are some distinguishing characteristics:
Becomes hard and non-pliable
Bands of fibers on or below the surface
Skin tightens or shortens. When crossing a joint, this contracture may limit range of motion, comprise function or cause deformity.
Becomes dry and reopens to form a wound if not managed properly. This is especially true for skin grafts, which do not produce oil or sweat.
Long-Term Effects
While the body’s formation of scar tissue is necessary for healing, the resulting fibrous mass often causes problems later. Composed primarily of collagen, the scar tissue’s fibrosity prohibits adequate circulation. In addition to the physical limitations of collagenous tissue, the lack of blood flow and lymph drainage occurring in scar tissue makes it vulnerable to dysfunction.
The resulting abnormal stress on a scar’s surrounding structures may include:
Nerve impingement
Limited range of motion and flexibility
Postural misalignment
Muscle atrophy
Tissue hypoxia
An increase in potential for future injury
Scars - The Two Phases of Healing
A scar’s healing progression consists of two phases, immature and mature.
Immature – Immediately after a wound heals, the scar is immature. During this period it may be painful, itchy or sensitive as nerve endings within the tissue heal. While it is typically red in appearance, most scars fade to normal flesh color with maturation. Exercise, massage and heat application will have the greatest positive effect on an immature scar.
Mature – Depending on the size and depth of the wound, scar tissue will cease production 3 to 18 months following wound healing. When scar tissue is no longer produced, the scar is considered mature. While techniques to reduce scar tissue in a mature scar are effective, a more disciplined and vigorous approach is necessary.