Get Your Groove Back
Holistic Treatments for Injury and Chronic Pain
Pain is a pervasive reminder that something is wrong with your body. The cause of chronic pain is sometimes shrouded in mystery, because its origins are found somewhere in the distant past. To add to the dilemma, the location where you feel your pain is not necessarily where the injury happened.
Holistic pain therapy requires a bit of detective work and, just like your injury and level of pain are unique, your treatment should also be tailored to you. Pain may be linked to trauma, dysfunctional gait, or improperly functioning muscles. Balance in Motion offers groundbreaking new treatments such as P-DTR and NKT that have been developed based on new findings in pain therapy and take into consideration your entire body, from head to toe. In addition, I also use more traditional Eastern and Western modalities.
I specialize in groundbreaking and unconventional, as well as traditional modalities.
Treatment will always depend on your particular needs and may consist of any singular or combination of modalities.

Meet Erick
Erick is on the cutting edge of modern body therapy as one of only a handful certified Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) practitioners in Southern California.
In addition to being a sought after massage & holistic health practitioner and instructor, Erick has a background in psychiatric care, martial arts, and competitive weight lifting.
Erick's compassion, intuition, and keen understanding of body mechanics have made him one of Santa Barbara's most successful body therapy practitioners.
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I was skeptical about P-DTR at first, but the results really took my breath away. After only two sessions with Erick, I was able to throw better than I could before my injury. This blows my mind!
"Erick is, quite simply, a miracle worker. He works wonders with athletic and other overuse injuries. He is a master at dealing with faulty biomechanics and muscle imbalances."
"Erick is a compassionate practitioner who understands pain, its origins, and its consequences. He has the rare gift of strength, patience, and intuition to coax trigger points into relaxation